Friday, February 19, 2010


Main Entry: 1groove
Pronunciation: \ˈgrüv\
Function: noun
a pronounced enjoyable rhythm
see also, one's niche, one's path

I can't seem to find my groove.
Maybe it's just today, but lately I'm feeling rather un-grounded. Much like I'm just floating aimlessly from here to there and back again.
Maybe it's february (blahbruary).
Maybe it's being in the house too long with a sick babe (and now a sick momma).
My connection to daily life seems to be dulling. I need something to re-invigorate, to rejuvenate.
It might just be time to start writing again...



Anonymous said...


I know what you're talking about. I've felt something similar lately. Things have lost their luster.

Maybe it's time for you to try something new?

Hugs to you and The Ray,

Little and Big said...

After reading the headline of your blog, I agreed to every words. :)

Raul said...

Estou tentando ecrever uma história á um tempo e resolvei colocá-la em um blog
quem se interessar:

Unknown said...

beautiful pic!

Website's web said...

nice blog

Anonymous said...

I have gotten that way lately myself. I recently retired and haven't found a niche for myself.
I think HannahHandpainted may have something there.
Next maybe I shall see a post titled Got my Groove Back!!!
Smiles to you, Leyla