we're still getting the hang of all this.
When I was in the hospital nurses would come in and help me get baby Ray to nurse. No one ever corrected my positioning or really told me anything about breastfeeding at all, so I went home assuming I was doing everything right.
I wasn't.
A few days later I found myself dreading feeding and at midnight on that final day my husband found me sitting in the nursery sobbing. Each of my nipples were basically one big, painful scab. My husband took one look at me and said "I'm going to get bottles and formula". I felt so relieved. The next day we had an appointment with someone from the hospital and I told her all about how my nipples were sore and I didn't know what I was doing wrong. She diagnosed me with "compression something or other". Basically little baby Ray was not getting enough boob in his mouth and was mashing on my poor nipple tips instead. Ouch, I know. Then she taught me the boob sandwich. Much, much better. Her final orders were to go rent a breast pump and alternate between giving him the boob and the bottle (with breast milk). My nipples healed nicely and quickly but as of today breastfeeding is still not all rainbows and sunshine.
My problem today is that there is too much information on the internet. You type in "sore nipples" and you get a plethora of sites all saying basically the same thing: "Breastfeeding shouldn't hurt ~ it's all about proper latch and positioning"
We're latching and we're positioning and why isn't there just one mom who's written something about how it might just take a little time to get used to a voracious, insatiable little sucking machine pulling your nipple into a teat and extracting milk 12 times a day?
We've had some really good days lately where I can't even tell that he's there just sucking away. At those moments I think to myself, "Aahh... this is nice." So I know what it can be like and that's what makes it frustrating when it's not so pleasant.
After an hour's worth of reading I think my nipples are sore today because:
1. He's going through a growth spurt and is hungry, fussy and can't sleep.
2. I'm waiting too long to feed him. So when I do, he's very aggressive.
3. I've been pumping with too much oomph, unknowingly giving myself sore boobs.
4. I'm tired and I'm hungry. Patience is very important when breastfeeding and I'm afraid I am in short supply of it at 3:00 in the morning.
I don't know.
Take a nap, eat a bagel and try again.