happy as a clam in his SleepyWrap

It's a funny thing...
In my life it seems that whenever I voice my problems to the world they miraculously get solved in the following days. Thanks for all of the booby support, you guys are like a girl's favorite bra.
Since whining about my sore nipples, things on the breast feeding front are shaping up nicely. I can't seem to feed him enough right now, which is a little frustrating, but as far as the actual feeding part, it is starting to go very smoothly. I think you really do just have to stick with it. Last night I compared breast feeding to getting a tattoo. My husband didn't necessarily agree with me. He actually has tattoos and knows what they feel like, but my point was that it is a very repetitive sort of pain. It's not even really pain so much as just a "consistant irritation". Does that make any sense?
In conclusion, I think you really do just have to get used to feeling that same feeling over and over before you can ignore it.
whew, that was a lot harder to explain than I thought it would be.
1 comment:
He definitely looks snug. Parker likes his wrap-thing that Jess wears with him too... usually.
Is that one of the wraps that's just a piece of fabric a mile long? Or something different?
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