I have a nagging problem and I don't know what to do about it.
Ray has been eating so much lately and when it gets to the point where I just fed him 10 minutes ago and he's already hungry again we feed him a bottle. In the beginning it was a bottle of pumped milk but lately he has been eating so often that I haven't even been able to pump so he gets formula. My problem is that I really don't like the idea of feeding him formula. I don't know why it bothers me so much but it does. My husband doesn't mind at all and of course, he likes being able to feed his son. He calls the formula "protein shakes" and for some reason that just pisses me off.
Every time he gets a bottle I think about all of the advantages of breast milk and I feel bad because for that moment, he's not getting any of them. Is that silly?
I know that a bottle may be necessary every now and then, and that it is even helpful at times but it's the formula part that is driving me crazy. I bought organic milk based formula, so I know that there are no GMO ingredients or growth hormones or pesticides, but still...
I think, in a small way, it makes me feel like a failure. Like, I can't feed my baby enough.
I did some reading last night and I didn't realize that my boobs always have milk in them. I thought that they had to fill up before he could eat again, I also read about how babies get milk the whole time they are sucking not just during letdown. The fat content in the milk is the only difference. So, according to the ask dr. sears site, I should feed him whenever he seems hungry, whether it be 2 minutes after the last feeding or 2 hours. And in order to increase and maintain my milk supply I should feed him at least every 2 hours and wake him up to do so if necessary.
That site is very much pro-breast feeding, so it is biased, but it warned against using bottles because they can send a message to the mother that she isn't making enough milk, which in turn does in fact affect her milk supply. They also warn that because it's so easy to give a bottle it's easy to start giving more and more bottles and less and less boob. I can see how that makes sense. Already in our house if the baby is crying and my husband can't figure out why, he gives him a bottle.
I want Ray to be big and strong but I feel like if he gets big and strong from my milk, then he'll be super healthy too. He'll be invincible! I worry that too much formula will create an unhealthy habit of overeating, or worse, cause him to gain too much weight too fast.
This breast feeding thing is so much more complicated then I had thought. Maybe I'm taking it all too seriously, but it seems important to me...

strong like ox
Oh my goodness,
I felt EXACTLY like you when I was breast feeding Mia. She went through the same thing. She was literally hooked to me 24/7. We also subbed with a little formula. I really felt like I was failing as well especially after reading similar lit.
Just to let ya know, I breast fed Mia for 8 months. She then had frozen breast milk and when that was gone, she went straight to formula for just a little while until she could stomach regular milk.
Now, here is the kicker, she was actually under weight and still is. She is extremely healthy. She weighs in under the scale of todays standards. Baby's are a bit bigger nowadays. At least thats what our Dr. says.
I am so thankful that I breast fed her even though it was tremendously hard at times. I feel lucky to have a healthy little gal. I really don't see and can't see any evidence that formula was a bad thing. If anything, it gave me some much needed rest and prepared me for the next day of feeding her myself without that tired frustration.
As always, I wish ya the very best! You are doing a WONDERFUL job!
Hi! I've always loved your jewelry, and just now found your blog (blogs). I just wanted to encourage you in the breastfeeding business. Yes, at times you feel like ALL you do if feed (I remember just sitting and watching HOURS of HGTV while my son and daughter, ate, napped, ate, napped...). Just keep at it. Assume nothing. Never compare yourself to anyone. When we had the kids, I made a commitment to nurse for at least 2 years. Well, my son nursed for....four years. Our little joke was "don't tell anyone at preschool, 'K?" My daughter nursed for 2 and that seemed like I had failed! She was completely different tho, and even went thru a phase of being lactose intolerant of what I was eating, and she did get bottles in the very beginning. I was SO against it. But I had no choice until I got all milk out of my diet. Then we went back to majority nursing....but there was that convience factor of the bottles. It's a slippery slope if you let it be.
Anyway, just wanted to chime in and tell you to take care, follow your instincts, read only the books and blogs that you feel comfortable with (if you ever hear the phrase "Babywise"....RUN!), and it will all work out. And get a baby sling! You can walk around and nurse and they can sleep in it!
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