I've adopted this boyscout-be-prepared attitude and I'm really starting to get on my nerves.
For example, if I'm going to sit down on the couch to feed Ray, I make sure I have everything I might need right there next to me. Water? Check. Computer with power cord? Check. Telephone? Check. Two different types of pacifiers? Check. Burp cloth? Check. Pen and paper? Check. Food? Check.
I'm running out of table space...
And all of this just so I won't have to risk waking Ray after he's finished eating.
Lately, (ok, in the past day) I've started wondering what all I'm missing out on by playing it so safe. Babies are spontaneous. Babies are about living in the moment. Babies live for the now. So what if he wakes up. So what if he starts crying. There are more important moments out there, waiting to be had...
Like this one:

Oh what a beautiful portrait.
Let me guess, you are a photographer too, right?
As far as the planning; oh dear.
I have an itinerary for absolutely everything and I wish I were more carefree. I just detest chaos and being organized eliminates that but if I am thrown "off schedule". I panic.
Stop it, stop it right now Whitney.
xo back
oh my goodness. he is so darling. thank you for sharing all of this.
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