Tuesday, August 19, 2008

sorry, what?

don't you find that sometimes it's just easier to let the conversation fall than it is to try to explain yourself?
I have a small voice and no skills when it comes to chit chat.
I would much rather talk about anything than nothing. 
To me, the art of the conversation seems to be dying.

jw r u going out 2nite lmao w8
idk r u lol cuz qt kwim
omg g2g ttyl <3

I have this old book called C D B (see the bee). It's one of my favorites. The whole thing is written using just letters. That's pretty much as close to texting as I get. 
(I am so unhip) 

(but not so unhip that I am again hip)



Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

As soon as I wrote previous post, I thought..no! I want to tell her THIS.
Emil is quite a loquacious child and he laughs when I constantly remind him "you're going to use up your
words for the day if you're not quiet awhile".
Wouldn't it be great if indeed, we had a certain amount of words to use daily? Then everything anyone said would probably be worthwhile.

Now tidy up that mess I left on your gorgeous blog by deleting that
chit chat post I just deleted, k?