I've been so busy lately that I haven't had the time to stop and write, much less think about what to write. I stitched my way into a frenzy last week and it all culminated with the
Fashion Denver spring show on Saturday. In the end I did well but I didn't do as well as I wanted. The amount of work I put in to all of the clothing I made wasn't really proportionate to the amount of green bills I got in return. Oh well, some days are like that. My dad had a good bit of advice, he said that even though I may not have seen the return I wanted right now, I could very well have set things in motion for an even larger return later. Ah dads, they sure are good at making you feel better about yourself.
Here's a couple photos of our booth and some of my clothes:

from right to left (ish)funny leg warmers, my friend Jess's beautiful hand-knit scarves, my favorite green dress (sold), my beautiful brown dress, my grey military-esque skirt, my brown knit dress, my floral dress, my lace shrug...)
booth shot. One of our mascot deer. Susan's awesome outfit in the back.
wide booth shot. My dress on the left, also looks smashing worn as a skirt.
All in all it was a good time. I'm still a little worn out from our sewing marathon but I have a bunch of new ideas brewing for spring! No rest for the creatives.
Isn't that the truth?!
Whitney, it is so wonderful seeing you do these things. It takes me back to high school and sewing together. I have been sewing as much as I can and the ideas floating around in my head are non-stop. I wish I could be there selling my wares with you guys. What fun it would be. Oh, well. Maybe I can find some kind of venue like that here! Here's to happy sewing!
It sounds like it was still a great experience.
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