Wednesday, August 12, 2009

same tune, different song

We're on a new nap routine lately. It's called the "damned-if-I-will-ever-sleep-again" plan. I'm not sure where Ray picked it up but he sure learned it quickly. The poor guy is dog tired and he would rather do anything instead of sleep.
This is all curious because for 2 glorious days I actually had him taking 2 naps a day. Yes, 2 naps. One in the morning and one in the evening. It was lovely. Not because of the free time it gave me but because when he was awake he was outrageously wonderful and cute. Happy and bubbly, not a frown in sight.

Today, not so much.

Here's a new little ditty momma made up while trying to put him down for his morning nap:

little monkeys need to rest
so that they can play their best.
little monkeys need to sleep
not to scream and shout and weep.
little monkeys need to nap
so that mommy doesn't snap.

(repeat, like a mantra, over and over and over and over...)



janna said...

Oh my gosh whitney, I LOVE your song. We are totally in the same boat with Avery right now. Maybe I'll give your little jingle a try.:)

Jenny said...

This too shall pass... One day you will struggle to wake him up for school! (But I know the other side of the struggle all too well!) Embrace today, its highs and lows... Tomorrow is a new day to count your blessings, or wish for the accomplishments of yesterday. Motherhood doesn't have an instruction manual or a reward system... Life's what you make it!! ;)